Thursday, June 27, 2013

Swag Bucks-- Is it legit or a waste of time?

It's legit, I guess. Swagbucks can only be redeemed for prizes and gift cards. Swagbucks aren't real money, but digital that can be spent in their online store. What do Swagbucks equal out to? One cent. Yep... so don't get all slap happy when you see that swag buck meter increase. It only means you likely spent thirty minutes to one, two, three or four hours of your life answering surveys that have very little to do with your honest opinion. When taking one of their survey's you might encounter this more often than not:

"We're Sorry You presently do not match the criteria for this survey. You may not have qualified for the following reasons:
  • Our sponsors are looking for specific demographic information
  • Our sponsors are researching a specific topic or product
  • The survey quotas may have been filled while you were taking the survey
Please click on the Take Another Survey button below to try for another survey opportunity. We add and remove surveys constantly and our system will match you with another survey and will allow as many tries as you would like." 

Since I tried my hand at numerous surveys to earn 60 Swag bucks, I have received this notification every time I tried to complete one of their surveys.  I doubt the last reason has anything to do with it. It looks like excuses to me. Now, for the prizes. What does one get? A $5 gift card to Amazon or Wal Mart and a few other cards that may/ and or may not be in your geographical location, either. Some of the other gift cards were for shops/places/businesses that I never heard of, not even when searching the web.

If you want to make a penny here or there, then this place might be for you. If you dream of striking it rich with Swag bucks, it would take an awfully long time. I see that there "Scrabble cubes" game is constantly unavailable and to try again later. Need to fetch your password and have it re-sent to your email? They route you to a possible list of excuses as to why you never receive an email notification from them. Still in a pickle? You can contact their Worldwide (blah, blah, blah) site dot com and see if a customer representative will assist you.

Personally, I don't know of anyone (yet) that has had a lot of success on using this site. Oh, and a con about it: Ads are everywhere! Plus if one wants to earn even more swag bucks and get notifications in real time, they can download the Swag toolbar, which personally, looks like an invite for malware/spyware, etc. BUT-- that's just my personal opinion. Also, there is no option to uncheck a download source/ location that may look suspicious, so "Swagger" beware, when downloading their toolbars for IE, Chrome, and Fire Fox always be sure it comes from a trusted source, and if in doubt; don't.

Sick of all the polls that might bore you to tears? So far, I've tried researching several locations, businesses/residences in foreign countries. That's right, the polls/ and or surveys they wanted filled out revolve around cross-referencing (matching) addresses and individual's names/ addresses and whether or not their locale was in an industrial or residential setting from an image still they provide.

Honesty is the best policy, but...

I wouldn't give out my locale, address, name, age, birth date (hint, hint... this is a great way for identity thieves and phishing scams to potentially make off like a bandit with your personal info). Also, they're looking for brutally honest answers to their surveys and if you click very few or "none of the above" to any of the questions, you'll receive a notice that informs you, you are not who they're looking for to take their surveys. This happened to me every time I tried to take their surveys, and eventually, I gave up because I have more productive things to do than remained chained to my computer all day. However, if you like to earn stuff for less than a $1, then this site might be for you and those who don't mind earning a penny. Bottom line: keep your day job in the meantime.

The most difficult aspect I discovered about this site's surveys is that they wanted to know what brand of butter was used for making a Brazilian staple of out of corn, butter and some other ingredient and fried like a pancake. The survey will ask questions on the quality of the video and if the product "looked good". For folks who don't speak another language, this will be a challenge to even figure out what it is they're frying up. And don't think about it. The cut/copy and paste method aren't allowed, either.

Also, the "brand name" of the butter in the video is obscured, so guessing the name correctly, (and typing it in the field), will be next to impossible. All of the surveys I took today were in a foreign language that had no translation, so... I had to hand write every miniscule detail on paper and pull up Google translator in a new browser window just to figure out what they said/ made and used. Again, this site isn't for everybody and the games only work some of the time. My conclusion of Swag bucks: not bad if one likes to make a penny for extensive tedious hours of clacking the keys and clicking the mouse button for 8 pages of surveys just to find out, when one makes it to the end, no swag bucks= no reward, period.

Swag bucks gets the addiction going by enticing the player to add their credit card/debit, Paypal to buy digital swag bucks and tokens for games. Some games start as low as 88 cents. However, in order to enter to win their HUGE casino payouts, they want your full name, address, phone number, etc. so they can send you your check or deposit your winnings straight into your bank account, Paypal or credit card. The odds of striking it big with one of those hefty payouts is probably too good to be true.

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